Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our house

I've been trying to get photos of the house, but haven't been too successful. I just don't seem to have a wide enough lens to shoot the interior. They all end up being views of walls, and not much else. I will keep trying, but in the meantime, here are some photos of the outside.

I assure you, there really is a house in there somewhere.


Mama T said...

Snoopy and Mr. Nate must think they've died and gone to heaven with all that back yard space right out the door. (Im)patiently waiting for interior shots...

Justin said...

Nate is certainly enjoying it. I think Snoopy is still a little confused. I think he misses Patty's folks, who became part of the pack in the 2 months we stayed at their place. I think he's also a little confused about the yard...he spends a lot of time running back to the back door, or to the front it's wrong he should have all that space.