Monday, August 3, 2009

I was only gone for a day...

Natal day in Halifax, a celebration of the birth of the Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. I worked a full shift at the Goat today, the first time in awhile since I've been on my feet for nine hours straight. My feet are killing me!

I left home while everyone was still asleep, and when I got back I was greeted by Nate running down the hallway yelling 'Dada!'. He was talking up a storm, about what he was doing, and what he'd been up to during the day.

'We went to Sobey's because we didn't have any baking soda. Then we came home and we made chocolate cookies.'

'Did you go to work dad? Were you on the bus? How did you come home?'

We had supper out on the deck, it's Nate's favourite thing now, having supper outside. I realize I was only gone for a day, but he seemed so much older to me when I got home.

For the past week or so, I've been leaving his bedside light on after reading him his bedtime story. He wanted to "read" his book one night after I read it to him, so I told him he had to turn off his light after he was done and go to bed. I said I would check in on him later. He's been good to his word so far, and every time I've gone up to check, his light has been off and he's been asleep.

Now, after I read him his bedtime story, he tells me:

'I'm going to read my book, and I'll turn off the light when I'm done. You can check on me at 4.30 (he still doesn't know how to tell time and makes a new one up every time).'

It's a good job I'm back to my half days shift tomorrow, who know how much more growing he'll be doing while I'm gone!


Kevin Chin said...

Nate's such a cutie! I can imagine him running to greet you ... I am sure it makes your day after you get home from a long day at work.

Justin said...

Yup, it sure does. You'd think I'd been gone for a month or something the way he greets me sometimes. No, I'm not complaining!

joie said...

he'll be working and voting next thing we know, eh? [this is where you say, "yeah, tomorrow!"] but really it sounds like he is a brand new boy all the time.

i told someone the other day that when i got to see you guys in july, nate was like 'a real boy' now and they laughed...but you know what i mean.

joie said...

my tomorrow joke was about putting him to work...god i have to go to bed! im not making any sense i fear...

Justin said...

He really is a brand new boy everyday. Somedays are great, and other days he has me thinking about reaching for the bottle even before breakfast.

He's been great though and I think I just need to chill a little more. It's actually possible now to have a conversation with him, and not have to question the things he tells you. I was a little suspect at first, but it seems all the things he tells me, no matter how outlandish and far-fetched, are actually true!

If only my life was that interesting.

joie said...

it always would amaze me that he would tell me these tales, "yeah, jack! last night!" and you would translate what he was really talking about...i give you major props for figuring that out while most parents would shrug and say i have no idea where he gets this stuff!

you are an amazing father and the two of you make for such an oddball harmonious team, it makes my heart full. but it is a Herculean task to help a kid grow up no matter what a breeze the tv makes it seem, hardest job in the world is not hyperbole!

your life is hella interesting its just not 100% yours, but i'm still interested! are you calling me boring?! :P